The latest news and coverage on Railway Metrics and Dynamics.
RMD’s railway cameras on Wascosa’s new ballast wagon
Swiss freight wagon supplier Wascosa has developed a fully automated ballast wagon for use in Europe’s growing railway construction projects. In a unique pilot project, Railway Metrics and Dynamic’s railway cameras are now being used to optimize the amount of ballast used.
RMD in Munich with Europe’s leading freight wagon supplier
Railway Metrics and Dynamics is currently exhibiting at “transport logistic” in Munich, one of the world’s largest international trade fairs for logistics, mobility and logistics management.
Notice convening the Annual General Meeting of Railway Metrics and Dynamics
The Shareholders of Railway Metrics and Dynamics Sweden AB (publ), are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting on Thursday 20 April 2023 at 10.00 CET.
Railway Metrics and Dynamics AB publishes analysis
Railway Metrics and Dynamics AB today publishes an analysis commissioned by TradeVenue AB. TradeVenue’s DCF valuation is SEK 9.1 per share and SEK 3.5 per share depending on two different scenarios.
Expanding the scope of condition monitoring tools
One of the world’s largest railway trade magazines publishes a long interview with Railway Metrics and Dynamics CEO Jan Lindqvist in its February issue.
RMD signs agreement with Trafikverket
Railway Metrics and Dynamics AB has today signed a contract with Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Authority. The innovation procurement will be activated in phases, and if all requirements are met along the way, the contract value will be approximately SEK 25 million over a period of three years.