The latest news and coverage on Railway Metrics and Dynamics.
RMD Showcases Technology at TCC in Colorado, USA
RMD has been specially invited by TCC and will demonstrate its platform, sensors, and derailment detection system in a full-scale derailment test.
VÄTE Rail Signs Agreement for 25 Rear-View Cameras
VÄTE Rail has entered into a call-off agreement with Railway Metrics and Dynamics for 25 rear-view cameras. This marks another step forward in VÄTE Rail’s digitalization of its fleet.
RMD Nominated for InfraAwards 2024
Each year, InfraSweden organizes the innovation competition InfraAwards, where the winner receives funding of up to SEK 500,000 to advance an innovation project that has the potential to contribute to more sustainable transport infrastructure.
New Digital Shunting Support
VÄTE Trafik has ordered a digital shunting tool from Railway Metrics & Dynamics to move away from the current manual processes. Delivery is scheduled for mid-December.
RMD at Järnvägsdagen 2024
Last Wednesday, “Järnvägsdagen 2024” was held at Sergel Hub on Sveavägen in Stockholm. The event delved into the factors shaping the future of railways and featured numerous discussions about the industry’s progress towards the vision for Sweden’s rail network.
Fenniarail OY Evaluates RMD’s Rear-View Camera
Currently, tests are underway for RMD’s rear-view camera at Finnish company Fenniarail OY, with evaluations set to continue until the end of February 2025.