Hector Rail tests RMD’s rear-view camera

Hector Rail tests RMD’s rear-view camera

Hector Rail tests RMD’s rear-view camera Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD) recently signed an agreement with Hector Rail for the testing and evaluation of the “Digital Surveillance Camera System,” commonly known as the rear-view camera. The tests...
CFL cargo Sweden tests RMDs rear-view camera

CFL cargo Sweden tests RMDs rear-view camera

CFL cargo Sweden tests RMD’s rear-view camera Our camera system is generating significant interest. CFL cargo Sweden recently signed an agreement with RMD to test and evaluate the “Digital Surveillance Camera System,” specifically RMD’s...
RMD Signs Agreement with HVLE

RMD Signs Agreement with HVLE

Railway Metrics and Dynamics Signs Agreement with German HVLE The digitalization of the railway sector continues to gain momentum in Europe, and Havelländische Eisenbahn AG (HVLE) has now chosen to test Railway Metrics and Dynamics’ (RMD) advanced technology and...
RMD Deepens Collaboration with Indonesia’s KAI

RMD Deepens Collaboration with Indonesia’s KAI

Photo: Bimo Jalu P under CC License CC BY-SA 4.0 RMD Deepens Collaboration with Indonesia’s KAI Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD) has taken another step in its collaboration with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI). At a recent meeting in Bandung, Team Sweden and KAI...