Temperature Sensor

Railway Metrics and Dynamics’ system solution consists of temperature sensitive bolts from Strainlabs in conjunction with PMU sensors. The bolts send their information to nearby PMUs, where the information from the bolts is analyzed together with the data from the PMU.

The combined technology analyzing temperature data  in real-time, provides efficient protection from derailments caused by thermal overload in the wheel axle box. The smart bolts detect the increased temperature in thermally overloaded wheel axle boxes, while the PMU registers changed vibrations in them – either immediately when a derailment occurs, minimizing the infrastructure damage, and in the best case, before the derailment even occurs.

Connected IoT Bolts

The smart bolts are manufactered by the Swedish company Strainlabs, which entered into a partnership agreement with Railway Metrics and Dynamics during 2024. The connected bolts provied yet another dimension of information that is seamlessly integrated within our own proprietary system solution.


  • Monitors temperature over time
  • Combines temp data with vibrations
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Alerts driver via MyTrainApp
  • Prevents damage to cargo, train and infrastructure

Need more information?

Jan Lindqvist

CEO, Railway Metrics & Dynamics

+46 705 87 76 26

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