The latest news and coverage on Railway Metrics and Dynamics.
New government assignment to the Swedish Transport Administration is solved with Swedish innovative technology
This is exactly what the Swedish company Railway Metrics and Dynamics, which is a contracted supplier to the Swedish Transport Administration for innovations in the measurement of the railway system from railway vehicles, is doing.
Positive development and exciting nomination for innovation
Sales at Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD) have started to pick up and the company has exhibited at a number of important trade shows this spring.
RMD nominated for European railway innovation award
Railway Metrics and Dynamics AB (RMD) has been nominated for the prestigious ERCI Innovation Awards together with industry colleague Strainlabs.
RMD in expert panel at major European rail conference
“Rail digitisation is more than vehicle positioning and maintenance windows. It is only when we fully share data that we will see the really big benefits”. This was the message from Jan Lindqvist, CEO of RMD, speaking at Rail Transport Day in Stockholm on 30 May 2023.
Investerarträff 12 juni i Stockholm
Den 12 juni 2023 kl 14.00 är det investerarträff för Railway Metrics and Dynamics Sweden AB klockan 14.00 för befintliga aktieägare och nya investerare.
How our unique platform works – a system of systems
Railway Metrics and Dynamics develops and sells a unique platform for real-time analysis and monitoring of both rolling stock and infrastructure. The solution enables proactive and predictive management of all types of assets. The unique software platform is the hub for data collection and analysis.