Machine Learning Lab opens in Stockholm
A Machine Learning Lab will be established during March 2021.
– This will provide an inspirational and well-equipped work environment for the continued development of our algorithms and software, says Jan Lindqvist, CEO of Railway Metrics and Dynamics.

Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD) has entered a new phase in the company’s history.
– Today we successfully deliver our solutions to a number of satisfied customers and we are ready for the next step, says Jan Lindqvist and continues:
The new Machine Learning Lab is a natural next step for Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD) and it is part of the initial business idea of the company. Machine Learning is not a new technology – but applying it to the railway industry is.
– During the development of the RMD Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU), the number of relevant follow-up projects with business potential has grown steadily, says Jan Lindqvist.
– We have reached the tipping point. We now see a long-term use for a more permanent team with all the necessary competence and resources at hand. Our objective is to deliver continuously improved reliability in detection and prediction.
Risk tracking algorithm
– RMD’s algorithms follow trends and events in both vehicles and infrastructure which potentially could involve risk, says Helmuth Kristen who will have an active role in the new Machine Learning Lab.
Machine Learning means that the algorithms, based on the data the PMU sensors generate, always work in an optimal way. Machine Learning also helps RMD identify new symptoms of problems that may not have been observed before.
– This ensures RMD’s ability to lead the development and will lead to new applications and offers, says Helmuth Kristen.
Based in Stockholm
The Machine Learning Lab will serve as the focal point and base of operations for all RMD’s future ventures.
– The main advantage for RMD is to have a place where we can consolidate our competence and provide a seedbed for future growth. RMD, Omicron and most other partners are located here. Stockholm also offers Sweden’s richest environment for competence and recruitment, says Henrik Rönnholm, who will be the one running the new Machine Learning Lab.
Apart from offering a physical location after the pandemic, the Machine Learning Lab will include all the hardware required for future development.
– We will have servers for data storage and computation, a workshop for creating and assembling tools and equipment to collect data, and a healthy and creative office space for cultivating new ideas, says Jan Lindqvist.
– But above all, it will consist of a right mix of people with the expertise of the railway industry, combined with the expertise in data analysis and machine learning.
Vehicle interaction expert
Martin Bäfverfeldt will also join the Machine Learning Lab. He has over 35 years’ experience of railway engineering and consultancy. As test manager and business unit manager at SJ Maskinlab/Interfleet Test Center for over 20 years, he has gained a unique competence of railway vehicle behaviour.
This combined with the last 15 years consultancy work related to infrastructure, depots and railway system performance, Martin brings a deep knowledge of railway vehicle interaction with Infrastructure in a broad way.

Helmuth Kristen
Helmuth has worked with several different cutting-edge technology companies, including Precise Biometrics where he was the Advanced Research Specialist. He holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and a PhD in Astrophysics from Stockholm University. His doctoral studies were financed by the ESA/NASA Hubble Space Telescope. Following doctoral studies, Helmuth Kristen was a post-doctoral affiliate at Harvard University.

Henrik Rönnholm
an IT and data analysis consultant at Omicron Ceti AB. He has a master’s degree in Computer Science from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, with focus on data analysis and machine learning. After doing his master-thesis within the railway industry and joining Omicron, he has been part of RMD’s IT team.

Martin Bäfverfeldt
has over 35 years experience of railway engineering and consultancy. As test manager and business unit manager at SJ Maskin Lab/Interfleet Test center for over 20 years he gained a unique competence of railway vehicle behaviour. This combined with the last 15 years consultancy work related to infra structure, depots and railway system performance Martin brings a deep knowledge of railway vehicle interaction with Infrastructure in a broad and deep way.
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