Digital Shunting Tool

RMD’s digital shunting tool is based on equipping wagons with PMUs and serves as a tool to help customers move away from the manual handling still in use.

Before trains can depart from a yard or port, the train composition, the individual weight of the wagons, and the type of cargo must be declared. This must be matched against several parameters, such as the locomotive’s pulling capacity, brake capacity, and the track profile.

The shunting tool allows for seamless scanning of all data, regardless of source, so that the information is consolidated into a single interface. The train dispatcher can then assemble new train sets using the ”drag-and-drop” functionality. All governing parameters are balanced, and the system also issues a warning if any data, such as wagon weight, is missing or incorrect.


Some of the useful features of the tool include:

  • Assemble trains via a ”drag-and-drop” interface.
  • Balances all governing parameters.
  • Damaged wagons can be marked and tagged.
  • Scans all data, regardless of source (fax, PDF, etc.).
  • Issues a warning if any data is missing.
  • Delivers wagon pickup lists digitally to any system (e.g., Topas E).


  • Visual interface
  • Assemble trains with drag-and-drop
  • Balances all governing parameters
  • Scans all data, regardless of source (fax, PDF, etc.)
  • Warns about missing data
  • Delivers wagon pickup lists digitally to any system (e.g., Topas E)

Need more information?

Jan Lindqvist

CEO, Railway Metrics & Dynamics

+46 705 87 76 26 

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